Corriente Cattle


The breed for us.

We began raising Corriente cattle in the 80s and never looked back. These cows are such a joy to work with. Calm, easy-going, incredibly adaptable, born foragers in one light, athletic package.

Overall, our beloved Corrientes have a positive, symbiotic effect on the land whether they graze in open or wooded range. For that, our family — and our land — are thankful.

This heritage breed is native to North America and is known as a Western icon. Used for sport — roping, cutting, bulldogging — Corrientes are agile and lean. It’s safe to say these cattle hold a special place in our hearts.


SUSTAINABLE before it was cool.

The compact frames and adaptable nature of Corrientes give this breed a low impact on its environment. As naturally as the existing wildlife, they benefit the land they graze. These cows are flat-out productive range feeders, unencumbered by over-domestication and the issues that hinder larger beef breeds.

Undesirable plants and weeds are no match for these non-selective grazers. They also don’t damage soft or muddy ground as Corrientes are roughly a third of the weight of their more common cow cousins. They are prolific feed converters and can graze in areas not suitable for today’s popular beef animals.


A Healthy choice.

The hassle-free lifestyle of our Corrientes produces a lean (92%), tender, delicious beef that’s low in cholesterol. In fact, in blind taste tests, most folks choose Corriente beef over Angus for flavor and overall appeal.

As a slow-growing breed, Corriente cattle have more time to build tender, tasty meat. Our cattle are grazed most of their lives and are corn-finished to achieve maximum flavor.

Their smaller frame lends them to be a perfect option for families of two to three, who normally couldn’t buy bulk beef. Less bone and overall waste during processing make them a great option for any individual or family.


Ready to order your Corriente beef?